
Thank you for visiting my blog, Crucifixes and Pearls.
I started this blog to write about my feelings when it comes to my faith.
I love being Catholic, and I love when I am inspired to write about things that might be hard to share with more than one person.

My title might seem a bit strange, so let me explain why I chose this title. . .
You see, I live in two very different worlds, one where I wear my work/school outfits and go to class or work, and the other were I wear my veil and go to Mass.
I want to mix my culture of school, work, and Mass into one world, and I realized it is important to always have those two worlds combined, both in crucifixes and in pearls.

I am also a convert as of April 23, 2011, and I love my Christian faith more than I ever had before.

I use this blog to write about what I am inspired by in regard to my faith, whether it is about Adoration, veiling, or the Rosary. Other times I will simply post on why certain things in life make me happy.

If you ever have questions in regards to my blog or myself, please, let me know at my email,

Many Blessings,

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